Licensed Practical Nurse Education – LPN Training and Exam

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When considering whether or not to go to nursing school, a lot of people opt for the licensed practical nurse education instead of registered nurse programs. The reason for attending LPN school instead is because this program only lasts a year. Further, because you can get licensed in a year, you can go out and work quicker. A lot of LPNs do this and then go back to school later for their RN degree once they have some experience working in the field.

All 50 states and the District of Columbia require that a licensed practical nurse pass a licensing exam. This exam is called the NCLEX-PN. When they pass this, they are considered to have completed their licensed practical nurse education.

Most of the time a high school diploma or GED is required to get into the program. However, there are high schools that work with vocational training centers, and a lot of the time these kids are taking the LPN training while they are still in high school.

LPN education can be obtained at local vocational centers, but oftentimes they will need to go to a community college to get the training. Check to see if they offer the training. There are a lot of advantages to starting with LPN training in most cases that it can be completed in a short period of time since in many cases there is no need for years of schooling after high school. Also, if you have experience as a nurse, then the school would be more likely to hire you to work with their nursing or other patients on staff.

LPN training is considered to be very useful for any individual that is serious about working in the healthcare field. LPN training can assist someone to gain entry to a career in healthcare, to help prepare for a career as a nurse, or simply relax and decompress after a hectic day in the hospital or other healthcare setting.

There are many schools and colleges that offer LPN training, as well as programs for NP, CNAs,s and other allied health careers. Candidates must pass the National Council Licensure Examination, NCLEX-PN, in order to be allowed to work as a licensed practical nurses. This is a computer-based exam that is taken at centers across the nation. This test is administrated by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Passing this test is not required, but is a must in order to get into nursing. Some states and schools offer free LPN training but must be able to pay for tuition, which can be a significant sum of money.

Researching schools and colleges that offer LPN training is vital. Some are accredited, meaning that they meet certain standards for curriculum and facilities. Some are not accredited, meaning that their accreditation is questionable. LPNs who attend these unauthorized schools are putting their chances of getting into a nursing career at risk. Therefore, it is crucial that you research the claims made by the schools, as well as the credibility of the programs.

For instance, because a lot of these schools claim to have the top facilities, it may be a good idea to investigate them. You can ask for information from schools you are considering enrolling in and ask for a comparison between those schools and the facilities at the school you are thinking of attending. You can also talk to students and graduates of the school you are thinking of attending to get more perspective. Just make sure that the school you choose has state accreditation since you want this program to be eligible for you to work at any hospital or other healthcare facility.

There are a lot of advantages to LPN training that you will want to look into, and there are many opportunities waiting for you once you graduate. For instance, once you have passed your LPN training and become a licensed practical nurse, you can go on to become a “specialist” or “staff nurse” in respite care or a “runner” between different hospitals or settings. There are also opportunities for you to go into Urban or Rural Primary care, or even enter school and work as a CNA. The possibilities are really endless with an LPN program.

When you complete your LPN training, you should undergo a CNA exam. This is a very important exam that you need to assure that you know what you are doing. An amateurish error will most likely result in your removal from the program. Keep in mind that you have two options, either continue your schooling and get your license through EMT training or opt to come into the field right away as a Licensed Practical Nurse. The Phlebotomy training is quite detailed and must be taken seriously by every student.

Your job as an LPN is to provide direct patient care in the provider’s hospital.

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